HSH 090: 5 Keys to a Successful 5 Day Challenge

We’ve been talking about challenges on the show for a couple of weeks now, and today we’re going to do the same because challenges are a powerful way to grow your business (and a very engaged audience)! The reality is though that not all 5-day challenges are created the same, so today I’m sharing the 5 key things that I think will give your challenge the most success possible.  

1.Give it a powerful title  

A powerful title helps create a challenge that people want to sign up for. It tells them what you are going to be doing in the challenge and what they can expect from it. So when choosing a title, get really specific in terms of the outcome that you are going to created for your audience.  

2. Marketing matters  

Marketing is super-important, and I recommend three types of traffic sources when running a challenge: paid traffic, organic traffic and outreach. 

For paid traffic, Facebook ads are essential and for one our past challenges, we literally had thousands sign up just from Facebook ads. Even if you don’t have a big budget, you can run ads to your three warmest markets (email subscribers, Facebook likes and visitors to your website). These will be your cheapest leads, and then you can move on to cold audiences. Don’t think of Facebook ads as an expense, but instead a way to generate additional revenue for your challenge!  

Organic traffic can give you incredible results, whether it be by marketing on social media platforms, livestreaming on Facebook, emailing your list or by word-of-mouth. You don’t need to have a massive following to leverage the power of organic marketing, and your efforts will pay off as you put in the time investment to get a money return.  

Outreach traffic is the power of putting organic marketing into someone else’s hands. This doesn’t have to be done by having someone email his or her list on your behalf. In fact, one of the first assignments we give participants in our challenge is to have them invite a friend, which is an example of outreach.  

3. Showing up in your community  

The Facebook group for your challenge is an opportunity for people to not only rally around you, but around each other. Community is what people are craving online and by creating a strong community, you’ll not only generate more sales but also trust and excitement on the part of your audience. In order for this to work though, you’ll need to engage with your audience and show them what it’s really like to get more exposure to you, the educator.  

4. Do live video

I recommend you use live video, specifically Facebook Live, as a way to supplement everything that you’re teaching with your challenge. We intentionally plan a Facebook Live video that’s designed to go deeper around the topics in the challenge so that participants are able to get better results and a better overall experience.  

Live video lets people see the real you, as it’s an unedited look at who you are. If people know, like and trust you, they’re more likely to spend their money with you. As an added bonus, Facebook has come out and said that live video is one of the most engaging forms of content that there is, which will build your organic reach.  

5. Run Facebook re-targeting ads  

These ads are cheap and have a great return on investment for you. Just because you’re posting on Facebook and livestreaming, it doesn’t mean that you audience is going to see everything. Re-targeting ads allow you to get in front of the audience you want to reach, and you’ll be spending money to build up an audience of people that are going to be excited to buy your product when you present it.  



HSH 089: 5 Day Challenges in 2018: What You Need to Know

HSH 071: How to Fill Your Webinar, Challenges and Live Launches

HSH 070: How We Scaled From 20k to $170k Challenges (In Just a Few Short Months)

HSH 051: Is A Challenge Launch Right For My Business? 

HSH 024: 5 Secret Triggers to a 5-Figure Challenge

HSH 023: Creating EPIC 5-Day Challenges With Amber McCue


HSH 091: Crushing a Six-Figure Challenge with Caitlin Bacher


HSH 089: 5 Day Challenges in 2018: What You Need to Know