HSH 070: How We Scaled From 20k to $170k Challenges (In Just a Few Short Months) 

On today’s show, we’re talking about how I took my challenges from small events to massive 6-figure (plus) promotions. There are some clear and practical steps you can take to do this in your own launches, and I’m going to share my 7-step framework with you today!  

1. Nail down the offer (and the conversation around it) 

This first step is very important because if you don’t get your offer clear first, you can’t begin to even think about scaling your launch. By doing a small launch first, like I did with Rock Your FB Ads, you can evaluate the initial launch and see who bought it, who didn’t and the reasons for each.  

2. Calculate the numbers required to have the launch you want  

Check out the link below for our episode last week, where I go into great detail on how to calculate your numbers (and why each metric is so important)!  

3. Map out your launch and PLAN

When pivoting from a small to a big launch, first figure out what is required in terms for leads, budget, etc. Running a challenge with 100 people in it is much different than running one with 1,000 or even 5,000. Big launches require planning and they don’t just happen by accident. Remember, we’re switching from a “launch to make quick money” mentality to a “launch to make big money mentality!”  

4. Find your team and determine the resources required  

It’s just a fact that bigger launches will require more resources, but a lot of times entrepreneurs only focus on the revenue of a launch and not the expenses that will be needed. When you have more team members in place, communication is going to be key as well if you want to get the results that you’re really looking for.  

5. Do the launch  

Here’s where you will execute on all the planning that you did in the first four steps. You’re going to spend on your Facebook ads and scale your reach. You’ll be watching your KPI’s, or Key Performance Indications, which are the tangible goals of your launch. 

6. Pay attention and pivot as necessary  

You’ll need to get your finger on the pulse of your buyers (we use private Facebook groups for each of our launches) and make minor tweaks in real-time, based on the feedback you are receiving.  

7. Review and debrief your launch  

Doing this debriefing will help you get clear on the stuff you need the next time you launch. You won’t be guessing anymore, as you’ll have real, solid numbers and data to look at. 

There you go! You now have the exact steps and framework I use for scaling my launches. I hope you’ve gotten a ton of value out of this episode and I cannot wait to see you out there scaling your own launches because that’s what this show is all about!  


HSH 069: Setting and Planning Launch Goals, Metrics and Revenue Plans

Resource: Challenge Launch Workbook


HSH 071: How to Fill Your Webinar, Challenges and Live Launches


HSH 069: Setting and Planning Launch Goals, Metrics and Revenue Plans