HSH 072: Student Success – Running Successful Challenges with Coach Glitter

On this episode, I’m interviewing a return guest of the podcast, Coach Glitter (aka Tiffany Lee Bymaster)! We’re talking all about how her challenges have evolved since she went through my 5-Figure Challenge system. If you want to hear real results (from real students), you’ve come to the right place! 

Tiffany was able to create a successful 6-figure online business mainly using affiliate marketing and using her brand to sell other peoples’ products. Fast forward to a little over a year later, and she’s now created her own course and released it to the world. 

She shares that her Lights, Camera, Branding program is built on “3 C’s): the Course, Coaching and Community. She teaches others how to use live video to leverage their own brands, while looking and feeling his or her best (and who better to know how to do this than Coach Glitter, who has a background over 18 years as a makeup artist, wardrobe stylist and set designer)! 

What Were Her Challenges Like Before? 

Tiffany started doing her own challenges on Periscope, which is where she got the idea to challenge others to do live video, as people were asking her questions on lighting and so much more. 

By putting herself out there and in front of the camera herself, she then challenged others to do the same and in only a few months she had helped thousands of people. 

Tiffany admits that she didn’t have a lot of structure to her early challenges, and not knowing exactly how to launch properly was what she was missing. You can have the most amazing life-changing course, but if nobody knows that it exists you’ll never get it into their hands! 

She did two official launches on her own and says that she made things up as she went. When she saw what I was doing (along with the success of my 5-Day Challenge students!), Tiffany put her ego aside and began to follow the strategy I use and teach.

These strategies gave her the roadmap to follow for her third launch, and because she now had a plan going in, it wasn’t so scary and was way less stressful. 

To her, challenges are the most fun way to launch and you can re-launch with the same content again, while improving. You’ll get more feedback as more people go through the challenge, as a nice bonus! 

Tiffany has learned a lot about challenges, including the need to have a separate launch list in addition to your wait list.

With challenges, people are so engaged that they’re actually looking for (and waiting to see) your daily emails in their inbox – which isn’t an easy thing to do these days with email marketing! As well, it’s an opportunity for them to be coached by you and to “see your style” on how you do things. 

What Results Did Tiffany See?

Running a challenge isn’t just putting out 5 days of content, it’s so much more than that. It’s 5 days of building trust, a community and creating a brand. Whether people buy from you or not, they feel gratitude for what you’re doing. 

Tiffany reveals that she saw a 62% increase in revenue using my system compared to her earlier two and she made a massive transformation based on a tangible and scalable system.

So many entrepreneurs think that launch is just creating a great product and pushing hard for a week, but the difference between a small launch and a big one is implementing a successful and well-executed plan! 




www.LightsCameraBranding.com *to get on waitlist for Fall 2017 launch of her challenge 

Episode 11: Coach Glitter's Previous Episode


Zach Spuckler