Episode #071: 4 Facebook Ads Strategies to Leverage in 2024

4 Facebook Ads Strategies to Leverage in 2024

In this episode we're diving into 4 Facebook ad strategies that will be crucial in 2024 for anyone looking to sell courses, services, or coaching.

I'm sharing insights into the changing landscape of content - and how with the increasing difficulty of breaking through organically - ads strategies matter more than ever.

Throughout this episode we'll break down 4 ads strategies, including running lead generation ads, engagement ads for warm audiences, messenger ads to increases 2-way communication with your audience, and implementing promotional retargeting.

If you're looking to elevate your advertising game and stay ahead of the curve in 2024, this episode is a must-listen!

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Full Transcript:

Zach Spuckler [00:00:00]:

This is not your average online marketing podcast, episode number 71. And in this episode, we're talking about 4 Facebook ad strategies you should employ in 2024 if you're looking to sell more courses, services, or coaching. So if advertising is something you've been exploring, this episode is for you, so stay tuned. Hey. Hey. Hey. Not so average marketer. Welcome to another episode of the podcast.

Zach Spuckler [00:00:25]:

Now I am excited because I need to talk about Facebook ads today. And as you probably know, I love Facebook and Instagram ads. They are just so integral to the way we run our business, and I love leveraging them. I love using them, and I really love what they do for our business. And without, you know, sounding like too much of a a fanboy of the ads world. I really love ads because, you know, the big thing that we're seeing going into 2024 and, you know, beyond is that content, it's it's getting harder to break through. Right? And we can kinda bury our head in the and be like, no. I'm just gonna, like, keep going and keep pushing organically, and I hope something happens.

Zach Spuckler [00:01:09]:

And I'm not saying that organic doesn't work. I have friends that crush it in the organic space. Me, personally, I've never been that great at, like, getting new people into my go system through organic content. It's just never been a strength of mine. And I was talking, on a coaching call, just yesterday with a student in our membership who said, you know, I spent the last year just pushing, pushing, pushing, trying to grow my list organically, and I added 40 people to my list. And she took our Facebook ads boot camp, and she said, you know, within about 4 days, I have 70 leads. In 4 days with advertising, I did what took me almost a year with organic. And that's why I'm such a big fan of advertising is, you know, we can say, like, yeah.

Zach Spuckler [00:01:59]:

Organic definitely has its place. Like, I do organic marketing a lot. Like, I do. Right? I can't sit here and say I never market organically. I just used my Facebook, recently to close a couple of high ticket deals, for some of our services. Right? And it's great and it's awesome, but a lot of the people who I'm connected with have initially connected with me or who are even in talks with me right now about our services have come from clients who saw my ads. Right? Again, I'm not saying organic doesn't work. You know, word-of-mouth, Instagram, Facebook, like, it's all great.

Zach Spuckler [00:02:37]:

But for me, the one thing I can honestly say about advertising that I can't say about other methods is that once you get the system and the process down, it's predictable and it's projectable. Right? And what I mean by that is if I spend $1,000 on Facebook ads, Because of the history of my account, I can predict what I'm gonna generate in terms of leads, but I also can project how many new people I'm going to reach. And that's just something that, you know, as great as organic is, whether it's short form video or images on Instagram or posts on Facebook, I just never know how it's gonna do. I can sit there all day and write this great Facebook post that I just think people are gonna resonate with so deeply. I think we've all had that experience where it flops. It doesn't reach people. Nobody engages. Right? But with advertising, I know it's gonna get in front of the right people.

Zach Spuckler [00:03:31]:

Do I know if it's gonna convert every time? Not necessarily. But I always know that if I put dollars behind it, it's going to get to the people I want it to get to. So that's my little philosophical intro to why I'm such a proponent for Facebook ads, why I Definitely think you should be leveraging them going into 2024. And rather than just say, like, go advertise, I wanted to do an episode where I talk about of the strategies that we've used in the last several months, and that we will 100% be leveraging as we go into 2024, that if you're not testing or thinking about testing these, you may want to change that. You may want to adjust it. You may want to think about it. Cool? So without further ado, let's get into 4 ad strategies that you should be leveraging going into 2024. 1st Strategy is gonna be the tried and true.

Zach Spuckler [00:04:25]:

If you're a regular listener of the podcast, you've probably heard me talk about this, and I wanna say I'm sorry, but I'm not because it's that important that you do it, and that is running lead generation ads 24/7. K? I am a firm believer that even if you spend 5, $10 a day, every single day, if you can get leads for, let's say $2, which is pretty reasonable for most spaces with the type of ads that we recommend. Let's say you spend $10 a day and you get leads for $2, over the course of a full year, that ends up being over 1,800 new leads. 1,825 to be exact. And it's, like, you know, that's just if you spend $10 a day. That's not including organic. That's not including if you do launches. That's not including any extra money or effort you put in.

Zach Spuckler [00:05:19]:

Right? You could add nearly 2,000 people to your list in the next year. And I get it. Like, if we're just blunt, maybe that number is, woah. That's amazing. 2,000 new people is possible for me. But if you're kind of in that camp where you're like, okay. But there are other ways to do that. Totally.

Zach Spuckler [00:05:37]:

And I ask you, what have you done in the last 6 to 12 months? Is it 2,000 new subscribers? If it is, what would it be if you doubled that? If it's not, what would it be if you achieved that? Right? So I run lead generation ads 24/7. Right now, we're running ads to a 2024 Planner for course creators. We're getting leads for $1.90 for the last time I checked, which was yesterday. On average, we've generated over a 1000 leads from that campaign in about a month, and it's just super easy. Right? It's a very simple process. You know what? I I take that back. It's not easy. It's simple.

Zach Spuckler [00:06:17]:

Okay? And I say this all the time to my students who are learning Facebook ads. I say Facebook ads are simple, but they might not be easy. Right? There's a learning curve. There's time and energy that goes into it. But here's what we do. This is our process. We create a freebie that's relevant to our offers and relevant to our audience. So I mentioned this, but, like, right now we're doing a freebie that is a planner for 2024 for course creators.

Zach Spuckler [00:06:40]:

Right? Very timely, very relevant, speaks directly to our audience, of course, creators. And then what we do is we put them through a simple sequence that promotes our offers. Right? So now we're also putting people into an email sequence that sells, our Facebook Ads Boot Camp and our our membership. K? So what we have going all the time, whether it's January 15th or April 27th, we are always running an ad for a relevant freebie with a simple email sequence that promotes a low ticket offer. And then, realistically, which we changed it throughout the year. Right? So like the 2024 planner is great, but nobody cares about a 2024 Planner in, say, November. Or, I'm sorry, November, they do care. April.

Zach Spuckler [00:07:29]:

Right? Like in the middle of the year, it's not as impactful. So we'll run that from, like, late October to early January, and then we'll switch it out. So we repeat that process. We just change the freebie, change the sequence, and promote a low ticket offer. Now if you're listening to this and you're like, that sounds great. I love this. How the heck do I run a Facebook ad? If you head over to heartsoulhustle.com/bootcamp, again, it's heartsoulhustle.com/bootcamp. We have, we ran a live boot camp in October 2023, so very recently, on how to run lead generation Facebook ads to grow your list.

Zach Spuckler [00:08:10]:

We have literally dozens of case studies and testimonials for this offer, and you can sign up for $25 and watch the on demand replays. So it's a 5 day training. You follow along over the course of 5 days on demand, and you will learn how to run Facebook ads to grow your list. It's it's really simple. It's really great, and, I highly recommend you check that out if you're listening to this. And you're like, That first strategy sounds great, but I'm just I'm a beginner. I'm not confident with ads yet. Or we get this one a lot.

Zach Spuckler [00:08:42]:

I've tried to learn ads in the past, but it's so complicated. I if if I had to dote on myself for a second, one of the biggest, compliments we get on this is that people say, I've tried to learn ads before and you've simplified. And that's because we take out a lot of the complexities that go into a lot of the Facebook ads trainings that you might see out there, and we keep things really simple. Right? This is like minimum viable product for running Facebook ads. So we teach you how to get your Facebook ads up and out the door in less than a week and generating leads, literally, in under 3 days. So if you're thinking about it, you can head over to heartsoulhustle.com/bootcamp. Check it out. It's $25.

Zach Spuckler [00:09:23]:

And the one thing I wanna say about it before I move on is that it is literally everything you need to know to run a successful lead generation campaign. So at the end of it, we share our membership, but you don't need the membership to be generating leads. Right? So it's like our goal with the boot camp is if you love it and you engage with it and you think it's great, It's not that you have to buy another offer to get results. It's that you get results, so you want to keep working with us inside the membership. Cool. Okay. So that's campaign strategy number 1. 2nd strategy that we've been testing over the past year that's been working really well for us is engaging our list and warm audience with posts.

Zach Spuckler [00:10:07]:

So if you've ever been on Instagram or Facebook, you've seen the little boost button. Right? You see the little button that says, click this, boost your posts, reach new people. Right? Well, what we've done is we run ads to high quality pieces of content, whether they be on Instagram or Facebook, and we push them out to people in our warm audience. So, like, what we'll do after this podcast is we'll create a graphic for it, we'll create an image for it, we'll post it on my Instagram, and then we'll go run it as an ad, but we don't boost it to, like, cold people. Right? We boost our choices Instagram, post that, like, highlight our podcast. And we run them for engagement, but we run into people who are already on our list, have been to our website, have engaged with us on Instagram recently, have engaged with our Facebook ads. Because our goal isn't like, how do I get tons of new people to see my content, our goal is people are on my list. People are liking, commenting, sharing my Instagram stuff.

Zach Spuckler [00:11:09]:

People are filling out my lead generation forms because you can retarget the lead generation engine that I talked about as the first strategy. You can retarget all those people with an ad. Because the reality is people are joining my list, liking my stuff, visiting my website, but they might not be following me on social media. And so I'm increasing the potential for them to follow me, 1, but, 2, I'm increasing the number of touch points that they have with me. So now people aren't just getting an email from me. They're also seeing me on social media. And it's kind of leveraging this element of omnipresence that I'm trying to, like, show up everywhere. Because people that we see frequently, we're more likely to trust.

Zach Spuckler [00:11:47]:

That's just the bottom line. Right? We don't have to like it. We don't have to agree with it. But psychologically, when we see someone over and over and over again, it builds a level of familiarity that does beget conversions in the online business world. So we have these running all the time, and our basic goal is to get engagement and growth. Because number 1, if someone sees that post and likes it, I can also retarget them with future ads for up to a year. Right? So it increases the length of time I can retarget them. And 2, when I do things organically because remember, I said at the beginning of this episode, I'm not anti organic.

Zach Spuckler [00:12:25]:

Like, I'm just pro layering advertising, when I do leverage organic marketing, I've got more people following me to potentially see my So that is a strategy. It's very simple. It's an engagement campaign that you run to people who would potentially, not potentially, who are interested in you because they've joined your list, but potentially aren't following you to get them to engage with your content. Cool? So those are 2 ads. Those first 2 strategies are, essentially, ads that I have going all the time. If you go into my ads account Right this 2nd, I literally have an engagement ad running for a couple podcast episodes, and I have a lead generation campaign running right now for our Planner. Okay? Those are both running pretty much all the time. The exception is if I'm launching or I've got a major promotion that I'm doing, I may pause those.

Zach Spuckler [00:13:16]:

But typically, they're running all the time. Okay? The 3rd strategy that I recommend you employ, and this is a time based strategy. And what I mean by that is you may not run it all the time, but there are times where you will run it. And so what we do is we will run Messenger ads to start sales conversations. Right? So whether I'm selling a $67 a month membership or a $1500 a month service, what I can do is I can run an ad to my audience that says click here to send me a message. So we've done this in a variety of ways. And I know that this is like this might be a little Broad explanation, but I want to give you very specific. So let's say you're launching a course.

Zach Spuckler [00:14:05]:

You could run an ad that shows an image of the course or an image the logo or a picture of you that says, have questions about program name? Click below to send me a message. And what happens is it opens up the dialogue for people to communicate with you. Now in my experience, when someone asks me a question through chat or messenger, typically, like, more than half of the time, they end up buying the the offer. And I don't think that's because The offers are so great, and everything is just, you know, light and love and flowers. It's like, it's because people who have just 1 question are more likely to message you, and they just wanna be heard. Like, how often have you looked at an offer over and over again and said, man, if I could just talk to the person who runs this thing, I feel more confident. Right? Being able to connect with the person running the course, you, just instills a higher level of confidence and connection that people are really craving these days. You know? Everyone's like, how do I automate? How do I scale? How do I maximize? How do I, you know, not be hands on? How do I spend less Time, less time, less time.

Zach Spuckler [00:15:14]:

And it's like what we don't think about is that the less time we are spending on our business is the less time we're interacting with our customers. And I'm not saying you need to be working 80 hours a week and fielding every comment and every response. What I am saying is opening the door when you're especially if you're in a launch, and even if it's your team that fields questions down the road, that's okay. But giving people the opportunity to actually message you and ask a question about your course during the launch will increase conversions point blank. That's my opinion. K? Another way you could use this is, let's say you're trying to fill up a coaching program, right, or you have spots available in your 1 on 1 coaching practice. You can run an ad, and we did this saying, like, I have 4 spots available for January 2024. If you're interested in learning more, click the button below and send me a DM.

Zach Spuckler [00:16:03]:

And people who are interested can send you a DM, and you can we call it triaging. This is not a term I made up. It's, like, essentially, you can talk to somebody in Messenger and figure out what are they struggling with, where are they stuck, where do they need help before you, you know, formally try and get them on a Zoom call. Right? Because typically with coaching, you're trying to have a sales call. Right? You wanna make sure they're a good fit. You wanna make sure you can help them. You wanna make sure that you have the opportunity to share your offer. Right? And so you can kind of triage, which is just have a preliminary conversation inside Messenger to figure out what's their issue, Can you help them? Are they open to investing? And then you can book a sales call.

Zach Spuckler [00:16:46]:

And in some cases, I don't even have to book a sales call. So people are just excited to work with me, and they book in right from the messenger. Right? So that's another example. A third example is if you have services. So, like, we have the agency arm of our business, and we've actually been at capacity for a little while. We're potentially opening up a couple spots in January, February. But that being said, if we weren't at capacity, we could run an ad that's like, hey. Looking to run ads for your next launch? We have 2 spots open on our client roster.

Zach Spuckler [00:17:19]:

You know, click the button below to send me a message. Tell me a little about your project, and we can see if it's something we can support you, right? So very similar thing, but you can use it for services. So the goal with these messenger is basically like opening up the conversation Rather than having one way dialogue with our marketing where we're talking at people, we have two way dialogue where they can talk to us too. Right? So it's very Subtle difference, but it, like, it works very well. Right? So if you are doing a launch or you're doing a promotion or you have spots you're trying to fill in your client roster, whether that be services or coaching, layering in a messenger a time based messenger ad could be really, really powerful. Strategy number 4 is my all time favorite, and we do this pretty much all the time. But we also do it very intentionally and time based. So that is promotional retargeting.

Zach Spuckler [00:18:15]:

Okay? Here's the thing. When we promote our membership, like, we just promoted our our membership for Black Friday, Cyber Monday. Right? And we ran ads for, I wanna say, about a week because we did our cyber sale a little longer. We were spending about $60 a day, and we spent just over $400. Okay? So it ran for, yeah, about six and a half, 7 days. And so what we did was we ran an ad to all of our warm audience and to anyone who looked at the Black Friday, Cyber Monday sales page. And what works really, really well for us was just a picture of our logo. Our logo typically does very well for us, and it just said, hey.

Zach Spuckler [00:19:01]:

The membership is available. Come grab it. Here's the Black Friday, Cyber Monday offer. And we ran it only to warm audiences that we were retargeting. So, essentially, we chose within our audience who were the people most likely to buy our membership, and then we targeted them, retargeted them with an offer. We ended up paying $34 a purchase, and our total return on ad spend was just over 4 and a half. So for every dollar we spent, we made 4 and a half dollars. So I told you, I'm such a numbers geek, and I hope you don't mind.

Zach Spuckler [00:19:36]:

We spent about $410, and we made about $1850 front end, cash in hand on our membership. Right? So it's like, typically, with these ads, we see a 3 to 7x return on ad spend. So what we're what we're essentially running, this this strategy that you should be implementing, is anytime you make an offer. Whether it's evergreen or promotional, create a really simple ad that that reminds them of what they're looking at. For us, it's the logo for our membership because it's all over the sales page. Keep it simple. If someone sees the offer they're warm, get back in front of them and remind, remind, remind. Remember we said earlier that repetition and seeing you everywhere creates an extra level of trust.

Zach Spuckler [00:20:23]:

We just wanna keep showing people our offer. Like, if they keep seeing it, they're more likely to buy. And so everybody who goes to the sales page, whether it be for an evergreen offer, a low ticket offer, our membership offer, they're gonna see a Facebook ad regularly that just reminds them to buy. And the conversion rates on these are higher than driving cold traffic directly to a sales page or even, like, typically what we see on, like, overall launch ads. Right? We typically see a 3 to 7x return on ad spend on these ads. We have run these for clients. We did a bunch for clients on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and they they just work. So if you are promoting something, whether it's in a launch or evergreen, Remember that people don't always buy the 1st time they visit the sales page.

Zach Spuckler [00:21:09]:

And think about you. Right? When you look at something on the Internet, how often do you actually come back to it? I'll I'll give you a great example. There's a person whose program I'm looking at investing in, and I've been to their sales page, like, 10 times now. And I keep thinking about it and thinking about it and thinking about it, and I just haven't pulled the trigger. Right? But I probably will because I've seen it so many times. And if I get hit with a retargeting ad, that might be the end of it. So, this is a great strategy. It gets a great return on ad spend, and it really helps you recoup some of your ad costs if you're if you're promoting a product on a regular basis.

Zach Spuckler [00:21:44]:

K? So Quick recap. We've got the 4 ad strategies you wanna leverage in 24. Number 1 is creating a lead generation engine. Be growing your list 247. And if you wanna check out our Facebook Ads Bootcamp, we'll link it up in the show notes for you. Number 2, engaging your list and warm audience on Instagram with your podcast, your blog, or just social media content to generate engagement and growth. Number 3 are time based messenger ads It's for launches, coaching, services. It's like, get in front of your ideal customer, your warm audience, and give them the opportunity to have a conversation with you.

Zach Spuckler [00:22:21]:

And finally, strategy number 4, promotional retargeting. Simple ads that if someone sees an offer and they're warm, you remind, remind, remind to get conversion rates that are much higher than your standard ads. So there you have it. Four strategies you should be employing in 2024. I hope you got some value from this. Again, if you want, the show notes or the transcripts or anything like that, you wanna listen again, you can head over to heartsoulhustle.com/nyap071. Again, that's heartsoulhustle.com/nyap071, for Not Your Average podcast, episode number 71. And, Also, if you could do me a huge huge huge huge huge favor.

Zach Spuckler [00:23:09]:

I know it's a big ask, but if you haven't already, would you mind leaving a review of the show? We are right around a 185 ratings, and I have this silly goal. It's not silly. It's a fun goal. I have a fun goal, to hit 200 reviews by the end of the year. So if you would do us a huge favor and head over to your favorite podcast player, leave us a review, we would super super appreciate it. You're probably listening there right now, and it would only take like 30, 60 seconds, and be a huge huge huge help to So, with all that being said, I hope you got immense value today. I can't wait to see you advertising in 2024. And until next time, stay not so average.


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