Episode #065: Creating Consistent Revenue with Angela Henderson

Creating Consistent Revenue with Angela Henderson

Welcome back to another episode of The Not Your Average Online Marketing Podcast!

In today's episode, we have a very special guest, Angela Henderson, who will guide us in creating consistent revenue. Angela shares her personal journey of divorce during the pandemic and how it prompted her to reflect on what truly mattered in life.

We dive deep on need for holistic wealth, beyond just financial gains, and explore the seven major  blocks that often hinder entrepreneurs' success. Get ready to uncover the keys to achieving consistent revenue and overcoming self-sabotage.

Join us as we delve into this insightful conversation with Angela Henderson on "Creating Consistent Revenue".

When you tune in you're going to learn....

  • How to get clear on what you actually want out of life, because most of us aren't starting these businesses with the end goal being "I wanna make a $1,000,000"

  • The Importance of Selling Every Day

  • The Power of Lower Ticket Offers



[00:04:37] Stop overcomplicating your business. Figure out your goals, build and nurture your audience, then sell to them. Don't be sleazy, focus on building genuine connections before selling.  Avoid irrelevant content and ask for the sale.

[00:08:07] Consider your own desires and priorities. The importance of carving out time for self-reflection and warn against avoiding difficult truths - while challenging the focus on revenue in the online space and shares their own experience of prioritizing holistic wealth over financial growth.

[00:14:30] The subconscious brain affects decisions. Loneliness can arise with increased wealth. Strategy is important, but mindset blocks must also be addressed, including self trust, self love, worthiness, money stories, obsessive thinking, divine timing, and impostor syndrome. These blocks can hinder success and may lead to self-sabotage.

[00:24:17] The importance of  addressing mindset blocks and alignment in order to avoid burnout and achieve success along with the importance of doing inner work and acknowledges that different modalities can be used to address these issues.

[00:34:07] The importance of showing up in the right platforms where your audience is, aligning with your values and mindset, and analyzing data for ROI.

[00:38:31] The key to success is focusing on what brings happiness, doing one thing well, and taking imperfect action consistently.

[00:42:07] Having a flexible strategy tailored to one's resources and audience.

[00:44:06] Summary: It is important for entrepreneurs to consistently sell and promote their business in order to make money and be successful. This involves showing up on the right platforms, having a selling strategy, and asking for the sale. 

[00:45:01] Selling is seen as a way to serve and provide opportunities for customers. Focusing on organic and paid strategies can help reach the target audience. Overall, a combination of showing up, having a strategy, and selling is necessary for success and growth.


Zach Spuckler [00:00:00]:

This is Not Your Average Online Marketing Podcast, episode number 65. And in this episode, we're talking to Angela Henderson about how to create consistent revenue in your business, so let's get into it.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Not so average marketer. Welcome to another episode of the podcast. Now I'm really excited because I have my good friend Angela Henderson on the podcast today. Now, Angela and I go way back. We've been friends for several years. She was actually at my wedding. And I wanted to tell you two big things before we just jump right in.

Number 1, this is such an impact episode. We cover a lot of different stuff, but we're really gonna dive into a lot of different pieces around understanding what it takes to create consistency in your business from, you know, the tangible what you need to be doing to the mental, what you need to be thinking. And it's a little out of the box for the podcast, but its such a important topic, an important episode to have the conversation. And just ask that you go in with an open mind.

The second thing is, Angela and I are in our element, so this is not an entire PG rated episode. We have bleeped out the swears to keep our clean rating on podcast app across across the landscape. But if you're not a fan of swearing or, you know, you have kids that listen with you, you might wanna headphones this one up. I always just like to preface that so people know what to expect. Angela and I, you know, you have that friend where you just let loose and you're totally yourself, and that is me and Angela. I'm usually a little more buttoned up on the podcast, but for lack of a better way to put it, we let it all hang out on this one. So I won't hold back any longer - without further ado. Let's welcome Angela to the podcast.

Zach Spuckler [00:01:58]:

Hey, Angela. Thanks for being on the show today.

Angela Henderson:

Hey. Hey, my friend. Always good to be here with you.

Zach Spuckler:

Well, I'm excited to have you because, as you know, I don't do a lot of guests, but we're good friends. I know you're good people. I only share good people with the good people that is my audience. And I am really excited to talk to you because we recently just came back from my wedding in the Dominican Republic, you were there. And we got to chitty chat a little bit and talk about, you know, business and life and all kinds of good stuff, and were just catching up right before this, and you have some really good steps to talk about. And we actually have a lot of the same ideology about the online business space. and some of the things that exist in the online world. So I'm excited to dive into it, but I don't think we've had you on the show since we've rebranded almost 2 years ago. So before we just get into it, welcome. Tell us a little bit about yourself, your business, what we need to know, and then we're gonna get into some good stuff about getting paid every day.

Angela Henderson [00:02:58]:

Yes, my friend. Well, can we just talk about the Dominican? Can you just take me back? I mean, seriously. The wedding was amazing. I just love you and Simon to bits, but I'm not gonna lie. One of the highlights was seeing those little flamingos live every single day I, like, was obsessed with those damn flamingo. So, yes, take me back to the Dominican. But a little bit about me is though I live in Australia, I'm a proud Canadian, and I always say, what's not be proud when we have beer, beavers, and Pamela Anderson. I mean life's pretty good. Right? I love Nutella. I eat the stuff by the jar, and love pink with a splash of glitter. So life's always pretty cool when you add those 3 combinations. But in regards to what I do, yeah, I am a business consultant, keynote speaker, podcaster. And similar to you, I help amazing humans around the world to, yeah, make more money by creating a personalized business strategy and then mastering their mindset. So yes.

Zach Spuckler [00:03:49]:

I love it. You just get right into it. So I was really excited to have you on the show because, obviously, I know you, and I won't gush too much, but I probably will. But I was really excited to have you because one of the things that we have talked about is this idea of kind of simplification of business and simplification of business goals. So this is a really roundabout way of getting there, but I'd love to start a little bit with kind of where should people be starting if they're looking to kind of generate what you call everyday payday? Right? It's like, I wanna consistently be generating sales, generating growth, generating business, talk to us a little bit about your philosophy around, like, simplification and where we should be focusing if we're trying to move into a pattern of stability.

Angela Henderson [00:04:37]:

Yeah. I mean, I think the the one thing that people can do right now is just stop over complicating their business. You know, there's probably you see this too in your space, but I'll get on a call with someone and They're on TikTok. They're on Instagram. They've got an email list. They're trying to YouTube. They're trying to podcast. They're trying to network. They're trying to do paid ads. They're trying to do everything. But first of all, they don't even know why they're in business. Right? They don't actually know what their goals are in business, or they think that they just needed to go in in getting 7 figures. So I say, One thing is figure out why the hell you're even a business. But the second thing is stop overcomplicating things. And in my opinion, in business, there's only three things that we need to focus on: build your clients, nurture your clients, and then sell to your audience. Stop making it any harder than that because simplicity scales. So when you think about building your audience, there's only three ways to build your audience: organic, partnership, and paid. Figure out which one's an alignment for you, rock and roll. But whatever you do, then don't be the sleazeballs that are sliding into everyone's DMs and go straight to selling to your audience. It's like going to the bar, seeing someone in someone's not gonna be like, oh, nice. And you're just, like, tap Johnny on the back or Susie. I don't care what team you play for. and you're like, meet you in the bathroom for a quickie. Now that will work statistically speaking for some people. But instead of saying that, why don't you maybe slap Johnny or Susie on the ass to ask them their name, buy them a drink, get their phone number, text message them, take them out to dinner, and then he might get laid. But I so often see they might build their audience and then they go straight to… No. No. No. No. Please really focus on, again, not overcomplicating and simply build your audience, nurture your audience, and then Please whatever you do. Ask for the sale. Don't keep posting cat memes. Do the mean our cooking shows, and it's not even relevant to what you do. sell to your audience. It's okay to sell and make money.

Zach Spuckler [00:06:27]:

Okay. There's so much good stuff here. So I wanna hit on a couple of things that you just said. First things first is there's only 3 ways to grow your audience. There's organic, paid, and partnerships. We call it joint venture or relationship based markets. Same thing. It's like you have to be building that audience consistently. But you said something else that is so key that I was really hoping would come up. Which is you gotta know what the goal is for your business. And I wanna just mention as a side note, like, for our business, we've been at this $450 to $550k revenue every year. And I was talking with a friend. You this is I promise this is related. Was talking to a friend, and I was, we should be, like, we should be growing. We should be growing. We should be growing. And they're like, yeah. But what else have you gained? Right? And for us, in the last 3 years, we have streamlined our team so efficiently. We have now we travel. I work about 30 hours a week. Pretty consistently unless we're launching anyone listening to this, you know. Launching is just its own little beast that happens. But for the most part, I work 20 to 30 hours a week. We travel. We see the world. We're going to Europe for 3 weeks. Like, that to me is more important than 7 figures that we're trying to idolize in the online community. So before we jump into the next piece that I think this leads into so beautifully is, can you just talk really quickly about that? I know we talked about this briefly before we hit record, but how does someone figure out what their goal is, especially in such a noisy world where I think the 3 big things we hear are: I wanna be a 6 figure business owner. I want $10,000 months, or I wanna be a 7 figure a year business. Like, how do we mentally break out of that trap of that is the goal? Right? And how do we get past that?

Angela Henderson [00:08:07]:

Well, I think one of the things is I guess there's a couple things that I'll talk about is one is I remember COVID came, and I knew that my marriage was already kind of on the breaks. And I remember asking myself, and this is why I've asked any of the listeners to ask themselves If you were given a weeks a week to live, or you were given a day and you were on your deathbed, what would you what would you regret? And for me, I actually knew in my heart, I would regret staying married to my husband of 20 years, and I would regret not getting a bulldog. Those are literally my two things. And so I knew that I would be asking for a divorce soon. I knew it, but it was COVID, and that was just crazy to get a deal with the divorce and the middle of that too. I was like, we're getting the bulldog, and I got the bulldog. And so it's a warm question to ask, but I do want you to almost you have to think about if you what would you regret not doing? Is it not taking more holidays? Is it not having do you know what I mean? Like, say, 2 living spaces. What I mean is, like, you’re in Ohio, and I know you and Simon, for example, have thought about, like, going somewhere warmer during during your winters. Right? Is that what you want? Do you wanna be able to have an investment for portfolio so that you can do me to have, like, passive income and not have to work so much. Do you wanna be able to put your kids through college? Like, But the first thing to even get there is you have to carve out space in your day to even sit with your own thoughts to be able to think about this. And this is where business owners, a lot of times, especially if they're starting out, don't do that because they're chasing the next sale. So the first thing I'd say is carve out the time and then ask yourself if you were on your deathbed, what would that look like? Right? And, again, it's warped, but it's a reality. And the thing is this so often what I find is people don't wanna have to look at the truth. They will escape. They will escape with alcohol. They'll escape with drugs. They'll escape with sex and they'll even escape in their business from an addiction point of view because they don't wanna feel the feel. So that's what I would say with that. Also, when you think about the 7 figures and stuff Zach, because in the online space space specifically, I see so many people focus on revenue, money, money, money. And it's don't get me wrong. We need money. Alright? But I asked my husband, as you know, on Christmas Day for a divorce back in 2021. That wasn't the plan, but even off one final time. And I was like, I'm not going in. to the new year, do you mean carrying this again? And so I said, whenever I'm not changing, I am choosing, and I was like, let's buckle up, said to him, basically, it was 11 o'clock, you've got till March to get out. And then an hour later, we sat down for Christmas dinner. Fala la la la. Alright? But it's was on me. But my revenue dropped in the last 18 months by 25%. Now some people would freak out about that. Oh my god. You're not growing. You're not scaling what it's the how do you define growth, Zach? When I look at wealth as holistic wealth buckets, you've got a revenue wealth bucket but you also have a physical health bucket. You have a mental health bucket. You have a self health bucket. You also have a wealth bucket for like family, a wealth bucket for relationships, and so forth. And so in 18 months, I've lost almost £25. I'm in a beautiful relationship. I spend more time with my children than ever before. I've traveled internationally once a month for the last 6 months. Do you know? So though my revenue is down, my wealth my other wealth buckets have increased substantially where they were depleted before. So I encourage people to also think about where are there other wealth buckets than just revenue wealth.

Zach Spuckler [00:11:34]:

Yeah. This is this is so good, and I love that you're sharing this. And it's it's funny that you say that, like, it is a morbid way to think about it. I actually went through an exercise very similar with a coach. Oh, it would have been 7 years ago. And their question was, what would you do today if you were ten times braver than you are now. And I think -- That's a great question. -- about it. You know, for those who aren't, you know, aren't quite as morbid as us. I think it's another way to think about it. Right? And for me, at the time, that was I had not come out yet. I was 22, 23, 24, somewhere in there. I hadn't come out yet, and, like, I was like, I would come out, I would go on a date, and I would, like, you know, find what I wanted, you know, who who I wanna be with. And it's funny because 30 literally almost 30 days later, I met my now husband. So I love that you're mentioning this because I think so many of us and and I was very guilty of what you said, which is like, well, you don't wanna deal with that, so you just work. And you just work and you work and you work because the numbers are benign. Right? They're like, we assign the good or valued good or bad value to them, but they're, like, so benign and tangible that we can just insert our value in them. Because we're like, am I a good enough person at $10000 or $50000 or at $100000? And I know you know this as well as I know this. You're gonna feel like the same person, every $100k you hit. It's pretty much the same. I remember I hit a $100,000, and I literally cried in my car because I was like, I don't feel any different. Like, it -- Yeah. -- doesn't give you that gratification you're looking for. But what you're talking about does, and that is getting clear on what you actually want out of life, because most of us aren't starting these businesses with the end goal being I wanna make a $1,000,000. The end goal is I wanna make a $1,000,000 to buy a house, to travel the world, to pay for my kid's education, And I just think that that's so beautifully put is, like like, really, what what would you regret? That's that's so good. And I think this is a a perfect transition into why you need to get paid every day. And so everything that you have talked about, and feel free to disagree. That's one as a side note from when listening, me and Angela disagree all the time. That's what I love about Angela. She and not someone who will back down in a podcast interview. So just know that whatever she's saying she means, but I would say that, you know, most most of what us are searching for is, like, psychological safety in some of whether that be the safety that we have the money to send our kids to school or we can do whatever we want or we can set our own hours or be our own boss. So how does that or does that? I would think it does, but I'm gonna divert to you. How does that consistency in sales and growth and building our audience directly correlate to what we're ultimately seeking? Or does it?

Angela Henderson [00:14:30]:

Mhmm. Yeah. I mean, first of all, I think we have to go back to the subconscious brain, and that 97% of the decisions that we make and are what we're seeking and what we want is already done without us even knowing. And those 3 prorate factors, a friend of mine, Gabby Abrams down in Florida. She's an amazing human. She's done thousands and thousands of sessions of rapid transformational therapy. And what she has found specifically because these are entrepreneurs is what she has found is that there are 3 primary things that come up in the majority of our sessions. 1, I don't belong. 2, I'm not enough, and 3, safety. So 100%, we all wanna feel safe. We all wanna belong, and we all wanna feel enough. And that is what's driving so much of us, and for the reason why we do what we do. there's a 4th thing that she said that comes up for people who hit the half $1,000,000 mark to, like, a $1,000,000 plus is that there's this notion of the more money I make, the more lonely I'm going to be. there's a loneliness factor. People don't wanna be lonely also. So I 100% agree that there's this, like, safety mechanism, for some, it could be belonging or whatever for enough. But what I do find that is holding people back, Zach, that, again, isn't talked about often enough because people are wanting the next strategy, which is where's the next funnel? What's the next nurture sequence? What's the next Facebook ad, whatever? That is strategy. But the other part of the strategy is mastering 7 major mindset blocks that I've seen come up in the entrepreneurs that I've worked with. The 7 that I've seen come up the most is self trust, which is the belief in yourself, your growth, and your integrity. The second one is self love, the sense of one's own value or worth as a person. The 3rd major mindset set block that I see that stops people from making money every day is worthiness, the quality of being good enough. The 4th major mindset block that I see is money stories of blocks, which are those negative subconscious beliefs about money that are limiting you from achieving your success and desires. The next block I see is obsessive thinking, that series of thoughts that typically reoccur often paired with negative judgments. The 6th is divine timing. So though the definition of divine timing is that the belief that if everything is happening in our life at the right moment, most entrepreneurs are doing the opposite in trying to manipulate and strategize and have everything done this way without surrendering and letting things naturally flow to. And the last thing that I see as a major mindset block stopping people is impostor syndrome, referring to believing that you're not as confident as you think, you know, as others perceive you to be. So for those that are listening, I encourage you to think about it. It doesn't matter what framework I give you. It doesn't matter what strategy you do. Do you mean exact if people are still stopping with one of these or multiple of these because we all fluctuate, the reality of it is is you're going to see less money coming in. So You have to start getting in inner, in my opinion, in my experience with my clients, my set success with myself. Because if not, you're going to continue doing a mean to self sabotage.

Zach Spuckler [00:17:22]:

This is really good. And I think the the thing that's coming up for me is, like, it's almost like this I was just talking with a client today. Like, we call it, like, the entrepreneurial optimism is, like, this is all gonna work. Right, out this and for context, this was a client I was working with who was like, this is my first ever webinar. I've never done anything like this before. They had, like, 35 people sign up. And they were like, oh, only ten people showed up. And from there, everything was just a shit show. Like, the tech didn't work, and this happened, and the replay recorded wrong and blah blah blah blah blah. And I was I I was telling them, like, this it's exactly what you're talking about. It's like you have all of this confidence until something stops you. Right? And then -- 100%. Then you have, like, this expectation hangover, and that is where a lot of these mindset blocks start to creep in. Right? And so I love that you said that because it's not I think everybody has their own iteration of what works, whether it's, like, EFT tapping or RTT or, you know, like, it the the modality is not as important as the under in my opinion, though it is important. It's not as important as understanding it's this underlying fluctuation in different self doubts or blocks that you're going to not be able to see that if you you know, I was very anti for a long time, like, oh, divine timing or manifestation or things like that. Because to me, what that said was oh, this is trust and it will happen. Right? But this this is the exact opposite of that in a way because it's believe that it can happen or else it physically can't. Right? You can't you can't mindset work yourself out of not knowing the strategy, but you can't but you can't you also can't strategy yourself out strategy yourself out of getting the mindset fixed. Right? So for those who are, like, struggling with these, let's just let's just pick 1. I wrote I wrote them down. I think self trust is a big one. Right? Mhmm. We were just talking about this before we hit record. We just did a launch that was very lackluster. I'm gonna do a podcast on it one day when I'm feeling more confident. But what do you do when something like like when you identify this? Right? So there I I think of this as, like, three stages. There's, like it's happening stage 1, stage 2, you identify stage 3, you can almost rectify it through, like, a modality of your choice. How are you I like, How does an entrepreneur kinda see where their own blind spot is, or is this when you do need outside help, or you need a coach, or you need to work with somebody to help you identify these?

Angela Henderson [00:19:57]:

I think it's a combination. I don't think you always need a coach just like I don't think it's always I don't think you always need another funnel I don't think you always need another coach. I don't think it's always spirituality. I don't think it's always this. It could just be that you're having a -- day. Do you know what I mean? And be okay with that. Right? But, like, but when you kinda know or you're just and you'll know your gut will tell you. You're you'll get a physical reaction going. Something else is going on. So I'll give you an example. I'll give the example of the Money Block 1 for me. So I knew my I I I got capped at a money threshold, and it was about $70k months. And I was like, what's going on? Like, do I wanna make more money but why am I blocked? So for me, I identify that I like, obviously, my data was showing me I was staying stagnant due to me, give or take, $5- to $10,000 either way. And I was like, but why? And then I was like, okay. Well, what can I do about it? Alright. Can I change something? Yes. But I was like, no. Our systems are solid. everything's good. Like, what else? It's and I was like, okay. This is where I gotta go in there. So I worked with my hypnotherapist, and she said, okay. Let's just see where this goes. So she counts you down. Now I do hypnotherapy from the comfort of my own home with my laptop on my chest. You know, there's no video. It just it's literally audio. And, no, I'm not talking like a duck. But she so she cast me down. And she's like, where are when I get to ten, it'll be where you need to be. And when she got to 10, there was she's like, what's in front of you? And there is a brick wall. And she said, is there anything on the wall? And I said, no. And then it's oh, actually, there was the word receiving came on one of the wall on the like, a word on the break. There was another word I can't remember. And then out of nowhere, like, those speech bubbles from cartoons, Jimmy came up, and the words lonely, lonely, lonely. And she said, that's why you're not do you're not prepared to make any more money. This is why you're capping. So I was like, okay. But I was like, in my head, I was like, a little bit more. Do you know me? because I was like, you don't have me. Do you know what I mean? Yes. So she's like, okay. She's like, is there anything that you remember? And then and as soon as she said the word remember, I was like, yes. She said I said my mom. My mom is a very a successful nurse practitioner. She then got addicted to drugs. She then got addicted to gambling, and she lost everything. And she she said, there it is. you believe that the more successful you get and the more money you'll make, and then my mom I don't talk to her. My brother stopped talking to her. She lost all of her friends, all of her family. She said, subconsciously, because of what you've witnessed in your family, you have this innate dopamine feeling in you. that you generally feel the more visible you get, the more which means the more money you're gonna make. It means you're gonna be your alone. You're gonna lose your kids. You're gonna lose your husband due to me at the time I was still etcetera. And that really hit me because I didn't actually think that my inability to make more money was attached to loneliness. I never thought about that, Zach, at all. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Like, 0. So for me, it was like, now that I understand it, doesn't mean that gone away, and it doesn't mean that still creeps in. But when I start to have money blocks, I can now because I know what it did the modality that worked for me, I now can ask myself, how much of this feels like, again, I'm lonely. Is that true? What stories am I telling me about this? And it's funny because there will be direct correlations. I will stop do you know what I mean? My newsletter still goes out every week. My podcast still goes out every week, but I'll pull back on socials. Right? I'll back on following up on email connections with people. Like and it's like I think we'll see this pattern. I'm better at it now than I see the pattern. But up until then, it was like, I was self sabotaging my success because of my fear of being lonely. So that's an example of a money block.

Zach Spuckler [00:23:21]:

I I I love this. And would you say that there isn't like, you listed out the Seven Blocks. Are there like I guess, I don't know how to frame it, but almost, like, unlocks to all of these. Would you say that there's ways you can lean on those in times of disparity amongst the others. So to give you something really specific, like, I am a huge believer in, like, everything is always working out for my my best self. Like, flight gets canceled, whatever, maybe I wasn't supposed to be on that plane. Like, I very much, I would say, 95% of the time live in that world. Right? Which some people don't love because I can be a little optimistic, and I sit here for, like, I'll make my flight. Whatever happens happens. But I like to kind of live there. Right? Does that help offset some of the blocks that might be, like, a worthiness story or a self love story? Like, do you find that leaning into your strengths helps, or is this more of a holistic you really have to work on all 7 all the time?

Angela Henderson [00:24:17]:

Oh, gosh. No. You're not working on all 7 all the time. Do you know what I mean? That's, crazy talk. Do you know what I mean? It's like and not all seven are gonna be there all the time. Right? Do you know what I mean? It's just about knowing that, like, hey. Is something what's going on for me. I guess I'll go back to, like, an alignment piece, for example. If people are starting to there's two folds here. Zach, I'm gonna go on the tangent. One is on a scale of 1 to 10, how burned out is someone? I wanna ask that. And if someone let's say 7, 8, 9, or 10, anything is a burnout, it just equals unaligned. So where are you unaligned in business in your home life or in your community? And then if you look at the next part of that, okay, I've acknowledged where I'm unaligned, you can then go, okay, of those 7 major mines that blocks that edge came up, are any of these showing up in my world? Are any of these contributing? Sometimes none might be there. Again, it could just be you're having a bad day. Right? It doesn't mean that there's always a mindset block. But there could be, if you're honest with yourself, and you carve out space to actually be true with yourself. There could be a combination of things. You know, for me, like, that self worth was a big one when I asked my husband for a divorce, but I was like, okay. It's only because I'm fearing what the outcome is gonna be. Do you know what I mean? But I'll be okay, but I still is aware of it. But there yeah. Some days, there's none. But then other days, if you're in a launch, for example, you can have it right? Yeah. You can be self trust, self love, worthy enough. Like, you can have all of them. Right? But the thing is this is, like, just understanding that sometimes they're gonna creep back in. It's when they become a daily problem. It's just like when I used to diagnose people with bipolar, schizophrenia, autism, etcetera. I cannot give a diagnosis unless it's impacting someone in all three areas of life. That's that's the reality of it. So, again, sometimes it will just creep in, but it's not impacting you. Do you know what I mean? To the degree that it needs to be impacting you. So it's, like, It just comes in a slight little thing. Oh, this happened and it goes away. It's when you're, like, consumed with it. You wake up, it's on your mind. You try and talk to a client or a sales call, it's on your mind. You finish the sales call, go to the podcast, it's still on your mind. It's when it doesn't ever leave you that's to me when you're like, oh, man. It it's like, the universe is nudging you. It's like, yo, bro. Yo, sister. I'm I'm letting you know this needs to get dealt with. You don't and then one day you're gonna get slapped in the face. So also be mindful of those nudges because it will nudge you. But most people, Zach, and you would probably I mean, you might not but most people and entrepreneurs, they don't wanna do the inner work. They don't want to acknowledge that they've got a mindset block. They want to acknowledge that it's a funnel problem. They want to acknowledge that it's a, Zach, it's the it's a Facebook ad problem. Yep. When sometimes it is, but oftentimes it's not -- Yeah. -- that no one wants staff to go. Like, when I go to hypnotherapy session, I've got, like, eight boxes of tissues beside me. Do you know what I mean? I've got, like, dark room so I can cry in peace. Like, it's messy. It sucks. But if you generally are here to make more money and do better for your family and not have regrets on your deathbed, then you're gonna have to at some stage do some of this work in whatever way that works for you. And that's what I say, and that's what I love about what you said I look at the modalities like an all you can eat buffet. We don't go to the all you eat buffet and eat everything at once. We pick and choose. Alright? Same thing here. Pick and choose what works with you. Maybe it's our, you know, rapid transformation of therapy. Maybe it's tapping. Maybe it's hypnotherapy. Maybe it's one on one talking with a psychologist. Like, Do what works, what’s right, but don't disregard what's coming up for you.

Zach Spuckler [00:27:54]:

Yeah. This is this is honestly one of the reasons I was so excited have you on the show because you know I'm super I'm woo adjacent. Right? So, like, some of it I'm here for, some of it I'm not. But I think where you have done so incredibly well articulating this is it's very much a take what you want type of scenario. And I just wanna point out that one of the reasons that I love what Angela does, and I recommend her so highly to people, is it's not indoctrination. Right? And a lot of times, we we kind of alluded to this earlier, but I'll say at point blank, we were, like, you know, $10k a month, 7 figures, 6 figures. That's the stuff that we hear. But what we often hear from those same coaches who are touting that as being the end all be all or the best case scenario are the same people who are like, oh, it's all mindset. It's all this. It's all that. It's gotta be this. Oh, it couldn't you know, we won't name names, but Angela and I were in a coaching program together where we'd be, like, It was for Evergreen funnels. And we'd be like, my Evergreen funnel is converting at 8% when the the gold standard is 10, and they'd be like, And why do you think that is? What's holding you back? And you'd be like, I don't know. The funnel's working. I just need to know statistically where to focus. Right? So acknowledging and having this conversation that, yes, there is a messy side of entrepreneurship. That is important to understand. And there's also, what we talked about earlier, which we're gonna dive into a little bit deeper, is, like, build and nurture the audience. Right? If you grow this incredible audience, doing organic joint venture or or paid media, but then you don't believe that you're good enough, you will never sell to them. If you grow an email list of 10,000 people and you don't trust yourself to hit the send button, guess what? You'll never make money. Right? So there there's this yin and yang here that you have to kind of acknowledge and ebb and flow with because there's there's this duality. And that's one of the reasons I was so excited to have you is because I think you expressed that so well. And so --

Angela Henderson [00:30:06]:

Like yeah. I'm with you. Like, I remember we've been we've talked about this on the same. Like, 6 years ago, if someone would have said that I would have done hypnotherapy, I probably would have laughed in their face. Yeah. Right?

But as I got older, I also felt as a business consultant, it was my role to go and test all these modalities. So I was at least aware of what they do and how they work, so that then I could pass it on to my clients so that my clients can choose what's the right model for them. Right? And I also just like to say, like, Zach to go also what you're talking about. Like, Some days, yes, it is mindset. Yep. Not always. Some days, like I said, you're you're but not because your kid's been puking all night. Do you know what I mean? sometimes it is Facebook ads. Right? But sometimes for women who are in their, you know, even, like, thirties, it could be perimenopause and menopause. Do you know what I mean? Like, there's so many things that we have to consider. Right? But it's like so often people sprucing in the online space in my opinion are just looking at one one piece of the puzzle, and business is is so multidimensional. And that's why, like, again, is when I work with people, and I know we are similar, Zach, is I don't just look at their business. I look at what's going on in their family life and what's going on in their community life too because everything is intersected. You can't to me have one without the other. And, also, like, you talk about, like, for example, that thing the program that we're in is it was a very cookie cutter way. It was you must do it this way. But your business is different to mine back then. Mine was different to yours. Pretty much everyone in that cohort was different. but it was cookie cutter. Your business cannot be templated. It can't. It can't spiritually. It can't mentally. It can't physically. It cannot be templated. So the sooner that you lean into what you want and what you need and how you're gonna build a business model that makes you thrive and that you're in alignment the more money you will make. But if you continue to just download everyone's blueprints and write it exactly the same way, you're gonna run into significant problem or you might have a really great launch and then wonder why you can never launch again because it only worked once. Right? So to me, Zach, Alignment is really crucial. when you're building a business for success.

Zach Spuckler [00:32:01]:

Yeah. And it really speaks to, like, we've been my my partner, I've been jokingly saying, like, I'm calling it the danger of dogma. Right? Mhmm. It's like in the online coaching space, a lot of times you follow someone, then they preach this is the way. Right? And one of the things that we do both in our membership and as our coaching, we say, we invite you to try these things on. Mhmm. Right? And that's what that's what I knew this podcast would be, is like, we're just inviting you to try these things on. If you're like, hey. You know what? I implicitly love myself. Like, Lizzo be damned. That's where I'm at. You know? Like, that's the level of confidence you have. Great. Maybe that doesn't apply to you, and that's fine. But when you start falling into this very non like you said, like, non templatized way of being is the way you're being taught to be, that's when things fall out of alignment, and you burn out, and you don't trust yourself, and you have impostor syndrome because somebody on the Internet told you if you're not charging $5000 for your coaching package that you're not charging your worth. And now you know you're not worth $5000 because you started 3 weeks ago, you're trying to sell a customer on the phone without the self trust with the impostor syndrome with all the money stories assigned to asking for that kind of money. Instead of just doing what feels right and aligned in the moment. I think that's so key. I want to just really quick you have a framework that I think is so it’s kinda hard to transition to, but I think I'm gonna do it. And that is we we've talked a little bit about okay. You gotta grow the audience. And we we're really high level about that. It's like grow your audience. Right? Mhmm. Then we talked about if you have these mindset blocks, that audience be damned. It's not gonna help you. Right? Uh-huh. Okay. So if we acknowledge those 2 things, I know I need to grow internally and externally You have the 3S framework, which I really love because it's super simple. Yes. What is the 3S framework in terms of I feel good that I know I need to grow. I feel good that I know I need to grow internally. Mhmm. How do I manifest this into kind of the business world, so to speak?

Angela Henderson [00:34:07]:

Yeah. So I guess I mean, it is really simple. The first step is just showing up. Again, you need to go and carve out time and understand, like, where are you showing up in your business? What platforms are you showing up in your business? Are they are they the right ones? Going back to that alignment piece, going back to those mindset things. Are you just doing it? Because, again, you feel like you're not enough, and you've gotta be it everywhere. Most of the time, your your platforms that you're on aren't giving you an ROI return on investment, but you're doing it because you were told that someone on TikTok told you to go and do this. So, again, are you showing up in your business? 1, because if you're not showing up again, that's the reality. You've gotta be showing up some way somehow. If not, how do people know about you? What platforms are you on? Again, are you sending them to a consistent newsletter? Are you doing a podcast or doing a YouTube channel? I'm not asking you to do all of these things. but I want you to sit and actually go, am I showing up in the right places? Am I aligned? Like, you will not - I'm on LinkedIn only because I tick a bar in Agora Pulse, their scheduling tool that will send things to LinkedIn. But you will not find me in DMs or that place gives me a heart attack anxiety. Alright? Can't stand it. but other people love LinkedIn. But I know I'm not in alignment. I resent it over there. But the reality of this, Zach, is the more you show the more visible you become the more visible, but you come the more trust you build, the more trust you build, the more credibility you have, and you will ultimately make more sales. But the other thing is is I just talked about ROI. I want people to look at their data. Again, something most people don't even know that they should be doing, or if it is a go into the bottom of the to do list every single day. Where you focus your time will the data will tell you where to amplify it, where to, like, go with things. So give an example, one of my mastermind clients came to me once. And she's like, I'm getting off of Pinterest. I've had enough of Pinterest. It's not giving me any money blah blah blah. I was like, alright. How do you know that? I said, did you implement what we talked about when you when you do a discovery call and you ask people where they found you? Nope. Did you implement we onboard a new client where they found you to confirm that again? Nope. Are you checking your Google Analytics like I showed you? Nope. Alright. Well, then how do you know that Pinterest is letting you down. I just do I'm doubling down on reels. I'm going on Instagram. I said, before you do, can we please pull up your Google Analytics let me just review things. Low and behold, Pinterest was her number one driving source of traffic by substantial amounts. and Instagram was her least driving traffic source to her website. So she was about to get like, cut all those things off. Then I said, can you go and ask your last ten clients that you converted where they came from? 60% came from Pinterest. So I said you were about to shut off the biggest revenue stream. Do you know what I mean? Of of, like, audience growth you have because you made assumptions. So the first, Zach, is I want people showing up in places that they're in a line, places where the people are going to consume, and I want them to be, yeah, be to build that trust, but I want them to make sure that they're getting an ROI and do that by looking at your data. That's the first s.

Zach Spuckler [00:37:08]:

I love it. And I just wanna say you said something so important, which is you don't like LinkedIn so you don't go there, but you also read the data. We do something very similar. I do not care for Instagram. I don't like posting on Instagram, so I don't dedicate a lot of time to it. I put all my time into advertising and Facebook. Mhmm. I don't care for Instagram. I don't really care for Facebook, to be honest. But we said most of our of our growth and revenue has come from Facebook ads. Facebook ads and word-of-mouth. And so wouldn't you know it? In our next promotion, we're putting all of our energy into Facebook ads and affiliate promotion. And -- Yeah. -- when we have time, if we have time, I do get sales from Instagram. I I do track stuff like that. So I'll post on Instagram by the time, but I never am putting my feet to the fire. Like, Oh, Instagram and TikTok. That's the next frontier, so I better I better make a reel about this. Now are there days where I'm super inspired for 7 days in a row, and I show up great on Instagram? Sure. But where I show consistently is my Facebook ads and my email. That for me is the biggest driver because it builds the relationships that do the affiliate marketing. and it nurtures the the leads that I brought in. So I just want to acknowledge that for everybody listening that show up is, like, so often used. Like, You have to show up. You have to show up. You have to show up. But what you're saying is you have to show up where the data and the happiness dictates. And I think that --

Angela Henderson [00:38:31]:

A 100%, like, you're you're better off showing up in one spot, and that's what I did. If I think back when I started the consulting side of things, I was only on Facebook and Facebook group like, Facebook personal oh, sorry. Facebook page when it allowed you to gain reach and Facebook groups. Yeah. Then I went to in then I added Instagram at all at the same time, I was still growing my email list. But then from there, I then added my podcast. And then from there, I let did Pinterest this year for example. Like, I'm always layering the next thing when I feel into it, and then I'm inspired to do it. If not, it's seriously you you set yourself up for failure. Hours and hours of doing something, then you resent yourself, then you start asking, oh, I'm I'm horrible. You're giving this mindset blocks to me. No. Be true to you. Show up. Do one thing well. execute it. Do it well. And you will you can still be profitable. This is what people forget. You don't have to do everything in order to be profitable. Just do things that light you up. But you still have to take action. And this is a thing that, you know, I talk about you can't just be like, cool bio. I wanna Lamborghini, and it's gonna show up in your freaking doorstep. No. Right? It's like, obviously, with Dell, I'll just quickly say this. It's like, when I left my husband, I was like, okay. What do I want? Now fair fair call. I literally wrote out the current guy that I'm dating. He's an amazing man. I wrote out 5 days before I met him in my journal, everything that I wanted. So I still was manifesting. But I still had to get my ass on Tinder. I was swiping left, right, up, down, conversation after conversation. Right? Like, I still had to take action. Grant just didn't show up in my life. I had to go and still do something about it, and that's what I said to you all. You can still do to me and keep things simple, still be in alignment, but you still don't ever stop taking action. Whatever the imperfect action looks like for you, It's this it's the compound effect of imperfect action that leads to success. So, again, keep doing it and say yes. That's rant over.

Zach Spuckler [00:40:22]:

So once we once we start showing up, the second thing is we need to have what?

Angela Henderson [00:40:30]:

The strategy. Not just like a strategy for what channel he's showing up in, but what is your overall business strategy? And I know you see this too with the with the clients is, like, I can't tell you how many times people come on in discovery call. I start working with them. I'm like, great. Can you send me through your, you know, strategy? Now, again, not everyone needs a strategy. Let me make this clear. Not everyone's brain's role with, like, an in-depth 6-month, 12-month goal strategy. But you still have to have something, in my opinion, written down on a whiteboard, on a genevieve piece of paper, something because that chaos in your head does not help you. So I want you to think about whatever strategy works best for you and your family, the way you think in your business model, I still want you to be thinking because if you don't have a strategy who's steering the ship, how do you know what data to check and not check-in on? How do you know how to guide your team and not guide your team? How do you know what you're launching, what you're not just launching? So many businesses just literally are throwing spaghetti in a wall and don't understand that they need something there to guide them. So I want you to think about strategy. What is your overall strategy? And, 2, once you figure out what platforms you're showing up on, each platform has a different strategy. So each platform is a channel that you're using, and you need a different strategy for each of those platforms. So, again, you're gonna have to go down one more layer and figure out how is it best if I'm gonna show up on Instagram. What are the rules that Instagram wants me to follow? Because if not, you're not gonna use the algorithm. What are the rules for doing a podcast? And figure out what your strategy is for each of those. strategy helps you, but it also helps your people know how you can help them. Without a strategy, in my opinion, however that looks for you in getting out of your head, it's just like the blind leading the blind per se.

Zach Spuckler [00:42:07]:

Yep. That and and I just wanna jump on that and say, it's so important to remember because you said it with the show up is that it's a layered approach. Right? So the thing about strategy is we look at the big dogs, and we go, oh, they posted their YouTube, and then they repurposed it to an Instagram reel, which they then put on TikTok, which I saw them right in their email roundup and blah blah blah blah blah. And I just read this I don't remember exactly who it was. It's one of the big influencers, Alex Hermozzi, or, you know, one of that kind of vibe that they're spending $60,000 a month on that content. So remember, with your strategy, you don't need the strategy. You just need a strategy. And maybe that strategy is for Instagram. I'm gonna post a reel a week. Right? Mhmm. Exactly. Now I'm not sitting here saying that a reel a week will grow your Instagram. Don't know if it will or won't. Instagram, as I said, is not my forte. But the key is it's gotta be something that you can manage with your current time, resources, and finances. And I just think that's I just love that you mentioned that in the layered approach, and I just wanted to tack that on that for those who are like, well, I need the perfect strategy. Like, you don't need the perfect strategy. You need a strategy, and you even mentioned it earlier, Angela, is it has to be custom to you. So just because, you know, social influencer number 1 is on Instagram going, use this trending audio three times this week and join my membership. That does not mean that will grow your Instagram. It just means it's one person's way to grow Instagram. And if it jives with you and your audience, great. And if it doesn't, keep researching. I can't tell you. I know you're the same as me. We constantly buy mini-courses and courses and trainings and memberships and workshops and workbooks and if it if something sticks, we apply it. If it doesn't, we don't, and we move on. And so detaching from the strategy, I think, is super important too. Because once you do that, I think that is a beautiful opening to the last S, which is?

Angela Henderson [00:44:06]:

Yes. My last S, my friend, is selling. So, again, if you're showing up on the right platforms and you've got this amazing strategy, often what I see is people still aren't selling. They even have in their strategy that they should be selling, and then they need to ask for the sale, but they're not. And so I just wanna say, for those that are listening, most of us have had a 9 to 5 job. And when we went to 9 to 5 job, you fill out the application, went for a job interview, signed the contract, reviewed your KPIs with your boss, then what got into your job. If you didn't do those KPIs, you then were called into your boss's office, reprimanded, put on a warning or fired. I don't know why entrepreneurs are treating this any different. Your job as a CEO of your company is to sell every single day. To ask for the sale every single day. To make sure that you are making money every single day. Now let me just say. When I say making money every day, It could be that you're asking people to download something for you. It could be that you're reaching up for partnerships. It could be that you are directly sending them due to me to a course or something. but it is your job to continue to promote your business. Because if you don't promote it, then you're not gonna be in business, and you'll be back at a 9 to 5 job. If you have a problem with selling, a k a, that's a mindset block. But I also want you to reframe it as selling is simply serving. Every day you get to show up and serve your awesomeness on a platter to your people. And by you not showing up every day selling to your audience, aka serving, you're doing a disservice. People are missing out on the opportunity that grow their business with Facebook ads like Zach, or get coaching from Zach. People are missing out on the opportunity train their dog how to sit. People are missing out on the opportunity to do what I mean, get fit, do what I mean, because, I don't know, they're now seventies and they went through menopause. Whatever it is, you're doing a disservice by not selling and showing up. And my other thing there that I say is as a business owner, it is your job every single day. But you might think, well, this is overkill, Angie. You know, you want us to be in alignment and you want us to be free and let alone. We're gonna take everything you just said literally. First of all, never take everything literal. There's always room to evolve it to you and to grow for you. But if you're specifically focusing on, as I mentioned, organic partnership and paid strategy and you're focusing on organic, in particularly, You have to remember that you're lucky if 5% of whatever you're putting out to the market on your organic platforms are showing up in someone's speed because of the algorithm. So if you have, what is it, a thousand people following you on Instagram, you're lucky if 50 of those people see on any given day what you have. And of that fifty people, which what I would like to call your total addressable market, how many of those fifty people actually want what you have? Probably a very small amount of people. So by you showing up every single day in a way that works for you is an alignment for you and on the platforms that work for you with the strategy that works for you. Again, take responsibility for you. Don't blame other people. That's another whole another conversation, Zach, is you're gonna be able to make more money. So selling, if you don't if you're only showing up and you're not having a strategy you're selling, it's gonna be very hard to make money every day. If you only are having strategy and you might be asking for the sale, but you're showing up on the wrong platforms, you're not gonna make money. So all of these three pieces are like a puzzle piece. They all have to come together in order for you to make more money and be able to live the life that you want. So show up, strategy, and sell.

Zach Spuckler [00:47:27]:

Yeah. I love this last piece because me we are big advocates of, like, making money every day. I know when I started my business, we like, the the way the, quote, unquote, way to make money every day was get a really expensive program, typically $497 to $997., put it in an evergreen webinar, run ads every day. Boom. You're getting paid every day. What we are talking about and and, specifically, what you're talking about is an actual manageable business model. Because here's the thing that I don't think gets talked about enough with this sort of thing is What if your Instagram goes away? What if your email list goes away? Right? 100%. Right? And we all we all do this whole thing where we're like, you can taken off Instagram any day. Your email service provider could go down. Like, it's happened. You could lose your email list too. Right? The reality is being and showing up everywhere and making offers gives you an audience to speak to because you got the Facebook group or the membership portal or, you know, the course platform or the email list. But now you got them all, and you're layering that as you go. And the thing is, making an offer every day for someone to become more intimate with your business is a good habit to get into, and we are huge believers of that. So we do that through email automation. We do that through advertising. And if you like, at the time that I'm recording this, if you go to my Instagram right now, I think our last three reels are literally, drop the comment, whatever, and we'll DM you. Right? Like, just make the offer because 95% of people aren't seeing it, and the 5% that are don't all want it. And the reality is no one knows what you do.

Angela Henderson [00:49:01]:

Right? Another reality of it is is like, of all the people I mean, I've been in business now for 12 years. I have never ever ever ever ever received an email, DM, a voice message, a phone call, anyone going, can you stop selling your number? Hand on my hand on my no one has ever said that to me. Right? So that's a story we tell ourselves. That's that mindset stuff again, right, that we're not good enough or the impostor syndrome. Right? Whatever it is for you, but it's like no one has ever said it to me, Zach, ever.

Zach Spuckler [00:49:31]:

So I know you have to run because this your videos run long, which I don't mind, but I know you got places to be. But it's for those who don't need to have the context, Angela is in Australia. I'm in the US. So my last call today, she's getting started. But before I let you run, I just can you give us a plug? I this is, like, perfect because we're talking about selling every day. You have an offer called Everyday Payday, which is essentially very much around this this framework of, like, grow the audience, make the offers, create consistent sales. Can you give us, like, the 60 second pitch of what that is? And then I'll drop a link forum for our listeners who wanna check it out?

Angela Henderson [00:49:56]:

Yeah. So pretty much it's super simple because as Zach, you know, I talk about this often as you don't need to over complicate things as we talk about today, and you don't need 8 hours of time to consume more. He isn't actually gonna didn't really help you. So if you haven't noticed, I'm a very know by the person. So in about 3 45-minute super easy digestible modules videos that you can binge watch is I'll be able to help you with helping you find out what channels you should be on and more specifically, I'll help you create your promotional rhythm, which is again understanding what channels to be on and how you're promoting your products throughout that. I'll also look at your product suite. In addition to that, I will also give you 15 different ways that you can package your offers in order to be able to make money on any given day. And then I also help you with, like, a money tracker so that you're tracking your money because I do believe that whenever you track also grows and a lot of people aren't tracking actually what's coming in. And I will also give you this pricing calculator that allows you to start looking at your pricing model too because that also is interweaved with your everyday payday. So Yes. And lastly, you'll also get a 30-minute strategy session with me too. So anyone that signs up will get that, and it is $37. Now people be like, Oh, it's gonna be it's only $37. No. I'm a huge believer. It actually used to be a $1200 product. But I'm a huge believer that I work for the state government as a mentor here in the state of Queensland. And we know that women in particular are less likely to succeed in business because they don't have access to the tools community and resources they need. So I changed this product to a $37 product so that more people have access to actually the right stuff that they need in order to move and grow their business forward. So, again, I just wanna cave you that up there if people like, yeah. Sure. But I'm a huge believer that lower ticket offers Most times are way better than higher ticket offers. It's just things are gonna be product stuff, but that's a whole other conversation for another day, my friend.

Zach Spuckler [00:52:02]:

I love it. Well, if you guys wanna check it out, you're gonna go to heartsoulhustle.com/everyday. Again, it's heartsoulhustle.com/everyday, we will have that waiting for you. I am a proud affiliate, and y'all know how I feel about low ticket products and Angela delivers. So y'all know I don't rep stuff that ain't good. Before I let you run any parting words, places we can follow you, all that good stuff. And then I have kept you a minute late. I will let you get to your next…

Angela Henderson [00:52:33]:

I would say head to https://www.angelahenderson.com.au/ and then from there, you can check out my podcast or how amazing tips that'll with me. I also know that you will be joining me over in Bali. So, again, if you wanna join Zach and I for a 4-day exclusive women of business retreat in Bali in October, hit Zach up with his link. And, yes, I'd love to see you there.

Zach Spuckler [00:52:50]:

Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Angela. I super appreciate it. Always an incredible conversation. We will wrap up here. I'll get you all those links in just one second. Angela, thank you so much for being here.

Angela Henderson [00:53:05]:

Alright. Much love. And gives Simon a big hug for me, my friend.


Episode #066: The $15/Day Facebook Ads Growth Engine


Episode #064: The Layers of Mentorship: Finding and Leveraging the Right Mentors