HSH 097: Crafting Converting Offers with James Schramko

Today’s guest has built a super-successful business, and he’s here to share this expertise in this episode. James Schramko founded SuperFastBusiness.com, and he shares how he’s been able to use his offers to create recurring revenue, scale his business and get awesome results – all while living the type of life that he wants to live.  

James coaches people with their digital marketing and has a high-level group called Silver Circle, made up of entrepreneurs generating 7-figures a year.  

He used to run an SEO and web development business, which he sold, and before that James did affiliate marketing and information products. He previously spent a number of years in the automotive industry, working his way up to General Manager of a luxury car dealership.  

James’ life looks much different now, and this has happened thanks to his favorite business model, recurring revenue, which gives his business the stability he wants.  

He has a team of 5 people located overseas helping him in his business, doing tasks such as publishing content, emailing and doing the bookkeeping. 

James stacks his work week from Tuesday to Thursday, which gives him the rest of the week to do whatever he’d like to do, which includes surfing and spending time with his family.  

His first offer that converted was as an affiliate for a website software, and then James created a website to promote his bonus (a “cheat sheet”) for the software he was an affiliate for. As a bonus he also offered to coach people who purchased the product.  

He has been offering a membership for 9 years now, growing it steadily as the group talks about increasingly more advanced topics.  

In order to create a unique position for your offer, James says you can write a book and look to what people are asking you for help with in order to determine what to focus on.  

The best thing you can do as a coach is to create success stories in your own clients in order to demonstrate how effective working with you can be.  

Creating a good offer comes at the intersection of your experience and the demand in the marketplace. People will pay to become better off, so you need to start by looking at the problems they are experiencing.  

Most business owners don’t have enough time or money, so if you can solve those problems you will have a great offer and business. That’s why understanding the customer really needs to be the first step.  

James feels that you really don’t need to build a large audience at the start, but you do need to put your offer out early and test it. One way to do this would be by setting up a landing page and starting a waiting list for your offering. Testing with a financial commitment from your potential market is really the best way to determine if the product is viable.  

Taking action is the key, but people tend to overcomplicate things when it comes to making money online. The big thing is just starting!  

One action that someone can take this week to get results is to simply put up an offer.  

To James, the word “hustle” as it applies to business is that it’s just the first part of business before you get to the good part.  It’s really like starting a fire; a lot of work goes into getting the wood to burn, but once it does, you have your heat.  











https://askmethod.com/ *Ryan Levesque


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